Wednesday, April 15, 2009

FLOOD 2009

It started back when we were in Palm Springs on holidays. We heard rumors of flood . We started checking flood statistics and following what was happening via the internet. We weren't sure what to think of it all, we thought that it wasn't all that likely that there would be a major flood. Sure, some of our land was sure to get flooded and there would be some inconvenience, but nothing too serious. What did we know! Time and circumstances sure can change things and we are in the midst of a flood, just of what proportions is slowly becoming clearer. Lower than 2006, higher than "79, lower than '97, higher than '06 but lower than '79, where will the crest hit? Many numbers and predictions but the truth is we have water everywhere and it is still coming. We felt pretty safe in our ring dike, but now we are wondering if we need to raise it on the road side where it is lower. The top picture was taken on Sunday morning when the water was just starting to come over the road a little south of us. Cars were still able to drive through with relative ease. The locals had the foresight, (thanks to other flood experience) to mark the edge of the road with stakes and flags in preparation for just such an event.

By Monday evening the road was covered right up till the edge of our dike and even the semis were pushing water as they came through. by now travel is limited to boat and the road north of the yard is lined with the cars of those who have to boat in to their homes.

This person came through here yesterday, and I am thinking he was taking a bit of a chance. A boat would have been a better idea.

The parking lot to the north of our yard. It is the south edge of the Rosenort dike, and on the other side of this there is no flood,
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