Tuesday, April 14, 2009

MDS Re-visited

After the house dedication we moved on to see how the other sites were coming along. We were excited to see the progress made at each site and to chat with the volunteers and see their dedication and joy to be able to serve and help the clients get that much closer to moving into their new homes. At site #2, there was interior painting happening and the floors were ready for flooring.
Site #3 had made a lot of progress since we saw it last and we were interested to see the color it was painted. We kind of liked this one, it reminded me of butterscotch pudding.
Inside there was a lot of dust as the mudding and sanding continued.
And at site #4 we were pleased to see that the concrete work was done and the joists on and the floor was ready for sheeting. We also got to talk to the homeowner and see her excitement that things were finally happening. It was good to go back and see how the work was progressing. It was a good day! God is still at work!!
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At 9:24 PM, Blogger Char said...

You weren't too far off about the color, Jo. The main color he picked is called Applesauce Cake and the trim is Peanut Butter...

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

That is a really cute house.


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