Saturday, January 31, 2009

Neighbourhood animals

Our camp is in a little neighbourhood with various animals around. One that has been checking us out from day one is a black dog from next door. I think it is still a puppy and usually there is someone who likes to play with it so try as we might to chase it back home, it keeps coming back, because there is SOMEONE who will give it some love. One day I caught him running across the yard with something in his mouth, so I ran out and yelled at him and he dropped one of our crew member's sandals. One other time I saw him running with what looked like a sock, but I just let him go with that one. So far, no one has reported a missing sock, but someone did rescue a shirt from his mouth as well.

The dog has a friend, and yesterday the goat found it's way out of the fence and joined the puppy on our yard. They had a good time exploring and checking out the deck, the dining room and the tool trailer. The goat walked into the tool trailer and was checking things out in there, but when Kerry snuck in and stamped his feet, the goat hightailed it out the back. He came sniffing at my flowers but luckily for him he didn't take a bite, or we might have had roast goat for supper instead of barbequed hamburgers!

Then in the evening we took a walk down the road, and came across this friendly beast. It seemed to be lonely because it came right up to the fence as we walked by and followed us as far as possible, and then it was as if it was trying to talk to us. Must be a pet, and I think it was lonely. We also saw a bunch of horses, some big and some little, were barked and growled at by a couple of dogs,who thought they were quite fierce. and saw some chickens and a rooster, and that explains why we hear the "cockadoodle do "some mornings.
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At 8:34 AM, Blogger grahamandkristy said...

You have your own local zoo!! I can't just see both you and dad chasing away those animals..hahahaha.


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