Monday, January 19, 2009

Dulzura Update 3

Life is continuing here in sunny California. The weather has been all you would ever want, warm, light breezes and vast expanses of blue sky overhead. Our camp is nestled in a valley, I will try to post some pictures of our surrounding scenery at some point. Work is underway and we are into our third week. Last weeks crew consisted of a bunch of young people from Ohio along with their chaperones, a couple from Saskatchewan and a fellow who drove in every day from San Diego. Camp set up was still a major part of our week and these pictures show the building of a walkway between the bunk and shower trailers. The ground is very sandy, which is okay when it is dry, but when it is wet, it sticks and tracks almost as badly as our Rosenort mud. These walkways will keep things alot cleaner as well as eliminate a lot of steps up and down..

Inside the dining trailer is where the strategy meetings take place, usually after supper. Kerry and the long term crew will meet to talk over what took place and what should happen the next day.
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