Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sorry about the big blogging gaps. Jo spends her extra time in her journal so it my time again. We did a roof job on the house on your left(hopefully). We had a good crew and beat the rain between sides. Very nice temps so the guys had a good time.

The ladies on the next pic are from Indiana and Winkler. They had a break to eat some
Valentine chocolate from the home owner. They did alot of the mudding and sanding in the new build

We are way past the point on this picture but those pictures are still in the house

Notice the white kitty cat

We are right now in Portland for MDS meeting but its saturday morning and we need to leave for the meeting shortly. We fly out on Sunday morning so will try to add more next week. luv ker and jo/mom and dad/grandma and grandpa/
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At 9:24 AM, Blogger Amber said...

Good morning! I'm just sitting here having breakfast with Jayda. She's munching on puffed wheat & cheerios. It's 9:20am and Hailey is still fast asleep. Rachel babysat last night while Erik & I went to his hockey game (which was a nailbiter! 1-1 against Nathan's team) so Hailey didn't go to bed until we got home around midnight. Too excited to play with someone new I suppose. Erik is at the rink for their first "trail building" meeting.

Great pictures, it's nice to see progress. I hope you had a nice break from the site and are looking forward to getting back there for next week. How was your time w/ Kim & Scott?

Nice to hear from you, I hope the meeting goes well! Love, Amber

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

What is that all over the roof of the house? Is it covered with pine needles?


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